Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us daily. - Judith Kelman
Monday, October 29, 2007
Mi Casa
A few pics of my apartment. Right now, I need to clean, so I can't take pics of the living room or bedroom.

Friday, October 26, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Eventful weekend
I work on Saturday evenings, but I'm vowing to still do something fun before I work, so I feel like a person with a normal work schedule. My friend Tara was at a craft show exhibiting her baby creations, so I drove over to check out her booth. I also perused the scene and saw many candles and varieties of jewelery. The food booths caught my attention. It's unlike me, but I spent $7.45 on a bottle of salsa. It's good salsa people!! I thought about buying some BBQ sauce too, but haulted myself on that purchase. Instead, I bought some lemon bread for my co-workers to snack on. I think they might expect me to bring a snack every Saturday now. Work was pretty uneventful. We have an earlier deadline on Saturdays, so after 9:30 p.m. things are pretty slow. Sunday was a great day. I went to a new church that a friend of Tara's invited me too. My new friend Lindsey, from work, came with her adorable 8 month old Lily. The church wasn't having a normal service. People from North Point church in Atlanta, GA were there helping present the KidStuf program, which the church is wanting to start. I attended North Point once, and it really is a cool church, so I was excited to see one of their programs. Lindsey and I both enjoyed the service and plan on going back next week to see what a regular service is like. The church is really beautiful. It kind of feels like being in a log cabin with its dark wood ceiling beams and huge log poles. Apparently the doors to the sanctuary are from the pastor's grandfather's home. They're solid maple. The church isn't huge, which makes me feel comfortable. I could see myself staying there. We'll see... After church, Lindsey and I had lunch at Chili's and then went to World Market. It's sort of like a less expensive Pier 1 and it has food items. She had to leave for work, so I headed to one of our malls in search of dress pants. Sunday night I attended the Young Life banquet. Tara had invited me so I could learn more about what her and her husband are invovled in. It was neat to see her husband in the limelight. I also got to see one of our old co-workers from K-State.
All in all, it was a pretty good weekend. I hope there are many more of those to come.
All in all, it was a pretty good weekend. I hope there are many more of those to come.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Late nights, good shows
So I've become even more of a night owl than I was before. I usually don't get home from work until midnight, and I stay up watching television or tooling around on the Internet. Last night, I stuck around to chat with my co-worker Lindsay who had the later shift, which means you stay to check the first run of the papers to make sure there are no glaring errors on the design end. She's a fellow K-State grad and is married to a photographer I knew from our college paper. My treat when I came home was watching my tape of Ugly Betty and The Office. (Yes...I'm one of few people who still own a VCR. I haven't caved and purchased TiVo or the dish network. I might eventually get cable Internet though, because I think DSL is getting slower.) I think the writers of those shows are geniuses! The lines are so clever and hilarious. They just get better every week! Both are different from the general sitcoms with laughtracks and stage homes. It takes me back to the days of Sports Night. That makes me think of Felicity Huffman, who was awesome in Desperate Housewives this past week. I missed most of the second season, but it's made a comeback this past year. I'm sad that I don't get to watch it with my buddy Janie. I'm with her in spirit though.
Well, I suppose I should take a shower and do something productive before work. I'm becoming a bit lazy. I need to work on that.
Well, I suppose I should take a shower and do something productive before work. I'm becoming a bit lazy. I need to work on that.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Back in the technical age
I finally have a new modem and Internet at home! It was driving me crazy that I didn't have that communication method for a week. I haven't wanted to do much e-mailing or blogging while at work. So far, its going well. I've had some low confidence moments, because I'm no longer the person at work who knows how to do everything. However, people seem to be patient with me and friendly, so all is good. I need to venture out more into the city. Ruth brought her GPS when I moved, so I've felt lonely without it. On Monday, I hung out with my friend Tara and her two little girls. Tara and I worked together in college, and we've kept in touch since then. She and her husband have DVR and a big screen television in their basebment, so I'm sure I will frequent their home. :-) My sister and Abby came down yesterday morning. That niece of mine is a ball of energy. She was running through my apartment like a tornado, and I think she scared my kitty Daisy just a little. My sister had her all Halloweened out in orange pants with candy corn on them and pumpkin socks. Too adorable..

Well, I suppose I should be a little productive before work. My new dresser was delivered yesterday, so I could work on filling that up. Also, I'll need to venture out to the store because I just ran out of toilet paper!

Well, I suppose I should be a little productive before work. My new dresser was delivered yesterday, so I could work on filling that up. Also, I'll need to venture out to the store because I just ran out of toilet paper!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
New place, lots of stores
Well, I have officially arrived in Wichita and moved into my apartment. At first, I wasn't liking it too much. It was built in the 70s and is very retro. However, once the movers arrived with my stuff, it started to look better. My friend Ruth rode down with me. We made it in 13 hours! Road trips are always fun, because you tell all sorts of stories about your life and eat junky food. My parents came down Friday and unpacked my kitchen. My dad's handyman skills were helpful with a couple items. Ruth and I lost our enthusiasm around 4 p.m. Friday. Well, it was more like I needed to crash, or I was going to bite someone's head off. I had been up for 29 hours, and I could not do anymore. After resting Friday night, we were off on our quest to find various household items. I spent so much money! And this might surprise some of you, but I actually shopped at Walmart. I'm really excited about my retro bathroom. My little dining area also looks cute. Ruth convinced me to hang up some of my photos, which definitely makes it feel more like home. My cat Daisy has found several places to lounge. She was such a good kitty during the trip. She occasionally meowed, but she didn't throw up or make a mess in her carrier. Ruth scored me a great deal on a new dresser with her awesome negotiating skills. Hopefully I can get it delivered next week. The two of us had a fun time. I'm glad she came along, because she kept me focused. It also helped with the transition. At one point on Friday I was really wishing I was back in Indiana. Her positive attitude and enthusiasm helped me power through. The whole change probably won't hit me until this coming Sunday. That's when I'll miss church and hanging out with my friends. I must remember that God has good things for me here, and I can always visit Indiana.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Moving forward
I am up WAY too early, but I can't sleep. The movers didn't get to my house until
11 p.m. yesterday! They finished around 1 a.m. By then, I was tired and getting a bit irritated by the sound of tape wrapping around my furniture. My friend James kept me company and helped me take my microwave cart apart. I felt really useless while the movers were doing everything. I guess that's what I'm paying them the big bucks for. My friend Janie is letting me camp out at her house the next couple days. I said my first official goodbye to my friend Adam around 2:30 a.m. I managed to not cry...well, at least not until I went to bed. Today my friend Laura has offered to come over and help me clean. I think she's crazy, but she's moved a lot and knows how not fun it can be. Tonight is the last hoorah with my group of friends. I can't believe I'm moving!!! The past couple months, God has done some stuff in my life that I didn't expect. I guess He has a better imagination than me after all. :-)
11 p.m. yesterday! They finished around 1 a.m. By then, I was tired and getting a bit irritated by the sound of tape wrapping around my furniture. My friend James kept me company and helped me take my microwave cart apart. I felt really useless while the movers were doing everything. I guess that's what I'm paying them the big bucks for. My friend Janie is letting me camp out at her house the next couple days. I said my first official goodbye to my friend Adam around 2:30 a.m. I managed to not cry...well, at least not until I went to bed. Today my friend Laura has offered to come over and help me clean. I think she's crazy, but she's moved a lot and knows how not fun it can be. Tonight is the last hoorah with my group of friends. I can't believe I'm moving!!! The past couple months, God has done some stuff in my life that I didn't expect. I guess He has a better imagination than me after all. :-)
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