I finally have a new modem and Internet at home! It was driving me crazy that I didn't have that communication method for a week. I haven't wanted to do much e-mailing or blogging while at work. So far, its going well. I've had some low confidence moments, because I'm no longer the person at work who knows how to do everything. However, people seem to be patient with me and friendly, so all is good. I need to venture out more into the city. Ruth brought her GPS when I moved, so I've felt lonely without it. On Monday, I hung out with my friend Tara and her two little girls. Tara and I worked together in college, and we've kept in touch since then. She and her husband have DVR and a big screen television in their basebment, so I'm sure I will frequent their home. :-) My sister and Abby came down yesterday morning. That niece of mine is a ball of energy. She was running through my apartment like a tornado, and I think she scared my kitty Daisy just a little. My sister had her all Halloweened out in orange pants with candy corn on them and pumpkin socks. Too adorable..

Well, I suppose I should be a little productive before work. My new dresser was delivered yesterday, so I could work on filling that up. Also, I'll need to venture out to the store because I just ran out of toilet paper!
1 comment:
wow! look at her little haircut! I had imagined that she'd be long-haired for ever!
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