Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Eventful weekend

I work on Saturday evenings, but I'm vowing to still do something fun before I work, so I feel like a person with a normal work schedule. My friend Tara was at a craft show exhibiting her baby creations, so I drove over to check out her booth. I also perused the scene and saw many candles and varieties of jewelery. The food booths caught my attention. It's unlike me, but I spent $7.45 on a bottle of salsa. It's good salsa people!! I thought about buying some BBQ sauce too, but haulted myself on that purchase. Instead, I bought some lemon bread for my co-workers to snack on. I think they might expect me to bring a snack every Saturday now. Work was pretty uneventful. We have an earlier deadline on Saturdays, so after 9:30 p.m. things are pretty slow. Sunday was a great day. I went to a new church that a friend of Tara's invited me too. My new friend Lindsey, from work, came with her adorable 8 month old Lily. The church wasn't having a normal service. People from North Point church in Atlanta, GA were there helping present the KidStuf program, which the church is wanting to start. I attended North Point once, and it really is a cool church, so I was excited to see one of their programs. Lindsey and I both enjoyed the service and plan on going back next week to see what a regular service is like. The church is really beautiful. It kind of feels like being in a log cabin with its dark wood ceiling beams and huge log poles. Apparently the doors to the sanctuary are from the pastor's grandfather's home. They're solid maple. The church isn't huge, which makes me feel comfortable. I could see myself staying there. We'll see... After church, Lindsey and I had lunch at Chili's and then went to World Market. It's sort of like a less expensive Pier 1 and it has food items. She had to leave for work, so I headed to one of our malls in search of dress pants. Sunday night I attended the Young Life banquet. Tara had invited me so I could learn more about what her and her husband are invovled in. It was neat to see her husband in the limelight. I also got to see one of our old co-workers from K-State.

All in all, it was a pretty good weekend. I hope there are many more of those to come.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are adjusting very well, Lynette. And God is bringing people into your life to help with that adjustment. We miss you here, but are excited about what God has in store for you!

Unknown said...

Is this World Market, Cost PLus? If so, there's one out here. Great furniture. But we joke that the "cost-plus" is really, "it costs a lot, plus more."

But yeah, it is cheaper than Pier 1.

Glad you're making friends already. You'll be an old hand in no time.