Hello sunshine, here I come! I sprayed on some of this today and got a slight tan line on my shoulders and legs. I'm not into the fake baking, but I will make use of tanning oil. Yes, I suppose SPF 8 is low, but if I put on SPF 15, I have to be in direct sun for a couple hours. I was already sweating after a half hour today! My computer said it was 66 degress, but I think it was more like 80. Ahhh...I have returned to the land of hot summers. I hope I can hack it.
I went to Lowe's last week and bought some flowers for my deck. Sunday night I helped a friend fill the planters around her house. It made me miss planting flowers at my old place in Indiana. Some day I'll attempt to plant a garden. I love new potatoes and fresh sweet corn.

I'm a sucker for anything that looks like Daisies. My favorite flower is the yellow rose, but I didn't have much luck growing some last year. I also like sunflowers. I grew a couple last year, but something came and ate their heads off.
Something green and hearty looking

No hibachi for me. :-(

And my first lucky bamboo plant. It matches the artwork I've yet to hang on the wall.