Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Great Memorial Day

Yesterday was super fun. I went to the parade with friends then we headed to Lake Michigan to build a sand castle. Pictures to come...

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Movie Marathon

So I finally had a weekend where I could just relax. The past two weekends have been busy, so it's nice having a chance to breath. This past week I went through my-can't-get-asleep-until-2 a.m- phase again, which is really annoying. Yesterday I had time for a nap, yahoo!

I just finished my third movie for this weekend. One of our grocery stores here has this neat thing called the Red Box. You can rent a DVD for a $1/day. Even if you return it two days late, you're still not paying as much as you would at Blockbuster. Last night I watched Step Up. It's not the best dancing movie I've ever seen, but I found myself twirling around my apartment during some songs. After it I watched Because I Said So. It shows that just because a guy is handsome and has a good job, doesn't mean he's the guy for you. Women should be with men who appreciate them for who they are, quirkiness and all. Today I watched The Pursuit of Happyness. It was okay. I felt like it was too long, and a bit depressing. I guess I was expecting more happyness. I still need to watch The Queen.

I suppose I should put some laundry away before I go play for the evening. I really dislike folding and hanging up clothes.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

My friends' wedding

This Saturday the months of planning finally came to fruition. My friends Amy and Dan got married at a park near here. God totally blessed them with beautiful weather. Our group of friends and family worked together to make it happen. We were all exhausted Saturday night, and a little red from all the sun we got.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

New food

I tried the new Kraft Bistro Deluxe pasta tonight. It sounded good...sundried tomatoes, a little basil and a parmesan cheese sauce. Yeah, not quite. It had sundried tomatoes, but I didn't see any basil. And the parmesan cheese sauce was more like velveeta cheese with a few herbs thrown in. It wasn't horrible, but definitely not what I expected. I wouldn't buy any if I were you.

Monday, May 14, 2007


Thought this was enlightening.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Random thoughts...

* Had the new Southwest Chicken Salad at McDonald's today. Zesty! I highly recommend it.
* Get my new glasses tomorrow. They're different, so it will be interesting to hear what people think. Then again, maybe it won't.
* I've been tired and unmotivated lately. I don't know what my deal is. It feels like I'm just going through the motions without much thought. Sleep doesn't come quickly at night, so I'm annoyed.
* Still haven't bought my plane ticket for my trip home in June. All the times out of here are wacky. I really don't want to ride the train to Chicago, so I guess I'll suck it up and deal with what I get.
* Yesterday my niece said, 'I uv you nen, nen.' She could say that to me every day, and I'd love it. :-)
* I think I might bake some cornbread to have with my fruit punch Gatorade. I know...weird combination.
* A cute house down the street for me is for sale. The wood floors look great in the pictures. The back yard needs some love. It really is a nice neighborhood right next to a park and swimming pool. Lots of kids riding their bikes and people out walking their dogs.Hmm....maybe....
* I have absolutely no idea of what God has for my future, and I'm trying to be okay with that.
* I feel like I can never get ahead financially. I start to, and something breaks or an unexpected expense arises.
* I had no idea I would live in Indiana for seven years. Holy cow...where has my life gone!
* Where did the phrase 'Holy cow' even come from?

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

So unless you're living in oblivion, you've heard about the EF-5 tornado that wiped out Greensburg, KS. Thankfully, none of my family and friends live close to the area. I do have one friend in Wichita, about an hour and a half away. She had just driven through Greensburg this past Friday, and now it's gone. I keep checking out the Wichita Eagle for more pictures and stories. It's total devastation. Tornadoes are such freaks of nature. They can totally demolish a house, but leave a Bible on a table untouched. I read a story today saying a rescue worker found three clocks, all stopped at 9:50 p.m., when the tornado went through town. It's just so eerie.

My siblings and I spent so much time in our basement during the summer. Mom would order us downstairs at the slightest threat of a tornado. We always took the lime green booster seat and pillows down to the storm cellar. We'd listen to the radio or read books. Occasionally, we would go up to check the status only to have mom shew us back downstairs. Maybe she just wanted to get rid of us for a while. :-)We learned that tornado watches aren't that big of a deal. We learned how to spot wall clouds,which could lead to a tornado. And we learned that if the temperature suddenly changes, the birds stop chirping, the sky turns green and it's raining sideways...quickly run to the basement! To this day, those signs scare me. I hope the people of Greensburg can move beyond their fear and rebuild.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Today I listened to NPR's "Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me" while I was working. I think it is so hilarious. You should check it out.


I also listened to this little bit. I almost went to Fort Hays State, but thought it was too small and literally in the middle of nowhere. The four-hour drive home would have been terribly boring.


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

I got my feet fitted for orthodics today: essentially shoe implants so I walk properly. It seems like a silly thing, but if it helps my back in some way I suppose it's good. It actually was kind of relaxing to have someone make a cast of my foot. After, it was time for rehab (that sounds bad). The lady helping me said she didn't mean to be hard on me, but she wanted to make sure I was using the correct form on the exercises. Wouldn't it be great if I did them wrong and messed up my back all over again! During my massage I found out she actually knows people in KS near where I grew up. I'm always amazed at how small a world it is. Sometimes it's too small though. I really like the people at my chiro's office. They are all so friendly and easygoing. And, they give away prizes. One of these days, I could win a restaurant or store gift certificate. I didn't have to pay my $25 co-pay two weeks ago, because I brought in a tax joke. I got a free calculator the other day. Is it weird that I actually like going to the chiropractor? I don't think many people say that.

In other news, I'm thinking about going on a short-term missions trip within the next year. Who knows if I will, but God has me contemplating the idea. I only seriously considered it once in college, and I just wasn't spiritually ready for it then. Honestly, the idea kinda freaks me out. Maybe that's the whole point!