Sunday, May 27, 2007

Movie Marathon

So I finally had a weekend where I could just relax. The past two weekends have been busy, so it's nice having a chance to breath. This past week I went through my-can't-get-asleep-until-2 a.m- phase again, which is really annoying. Yesterday I had time for a nap, yahoo!

I just finished my third movie for this weekend. One of our grocery stores here has this neat thing called the Red Box. You can rent a DVD for a $1/day. Even if you return it two days late, you're still not paying as much as you would at Blockbuster. Last night I watched Step Up. It's not the best dancing movie I've ever seen, but I found myself twirling around my apartment during some songs. After it I watched Because I Said So. It shows that just because a guy is handsome and has a good job, doesn't mean he's the guy for you. Women should be with men who appreciate them for who they are, quirkiness and all. Today I watched The Pursuit of Happyness. It was okay. I felt like it was too long, and a bit depressing. I guess I was expecting more happyness. I still need to watch The Queen.

I suppose I should put some laundry away before I go play for the evening. I really dislike folding and hanging up clothes.

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