Friday, May 11, 2007

Random thoughts...

* Had the new Southwest Chicken Salad at McDonald's today. Zesty! I highly recommend it.
* Get my new glasses tomorrow. They're different, so it will be interesting to hear what people think. Then again, maybe it won't.
* I've been tired and unmotivated lately. I don't know what my deal is. It feels like I'm just going through the motions without much thought. Sleep doesn't come quickly at night, so I'm annoyed.
* Still haven't bought my plane ticket for my trip home in June. All the times out of here are wacky. I really don't want to ride the train to Chicago, so I guess I'll suck it up and deal with what I get.
* Yesterday my niece said, 'I uv you nen, nen.' She could say that to me every day, and I'd love it. :-)
* I think I might bake some cornbread to have with my fruit punch Gatorade. I know...weird combination.
* A cute house down the street for me is for sale. The wood floors look great in the pictures. The back yard needs some love. It really is a nice neighborhood right next to a park and swimming pool. Lots of kids riding their bikes and people out walking their dogs.Hmm....maybe....
* I have absolutely no idea of what God has for my future, and I'm trying to be okay with that.
* I feel like I can never get ahead financially. I start to, and something breaks or an unexpected expense arises.
* I had no idea I would live in Indiana for seven years. Holy cow...where has my life gone!
* Where did the phrase 'Holy cow' even come from?

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