Thankfully, it didn't snow today, so my sister and niece got to come down to Wichita. Abby was just full of funny things to say. It's amazing how her vocabulary expands and how quickly she learns new things. On our Target adventure she was creating a whole world between her new piggy bank and choo choo train. She also had no problem telling me "I don't like it" when I pointed to a shirt I considered buying. Her other response, "Let's go look at clothes in my size." She was so cute at lunch when she ordered her food and she made sure to say hi to any waitress that walked by. She was very excited when mommy said we could go to Starbucks. Mommy let's her get 'cow's milk' as a snack. I'm surprised that kid doesn't turn into a dairy cow as much milk as she drinks. She also was very excited about going to aunt Netty's house. After she went potty she pulled back my shower curtain and said, "You have a bathtub just like at my house!" It's funny how the simplest things are amazing to her. She tried to smother my cat, but Daisy was having none of that.
Some of her other funny sayings:
When my sister and I complained about the construction and crazy driving on Rock Road:
"I can help. I'll push the cars out of the way."
When she saw one of several airplanes:
"Let's wave hi to the airplane. I want to take it home and give it a hug." (I'm not sure why she thinks airplanes are her friends.)
On her parents: "Daddy's name is Kevin and mommy's is Brenda." (She said this very randomly in Target.)
When we were watching Nickelodean: "I like Sponge Bob, but mommy doesn't." (Mommy says Sponge Bob doesn't teach her anything.)
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