Thursday, September 27, 2007

Details..hanging out with friends

I transferred my phone, car and renter's insurance today and put down my deposit on the movers. I did a little packing before spending the afternoon with my friend Kerrie and her 1 year old Oliver. She is such a fun friend, and I wish we could have hung out more the past few years. I would have never met her if I hadn't been involved with my Bible study. It's always interesting to see how God puts you in certain places so you can meet people who'll play a significant role in your life. I'm interested to see who He'll have me meet in Wichita. I spent a hour tonight packing up my kitchen, and took a break to watch one of my favorite shows, Ugly Betty. I'll have to tape most shows when I start my new job. No more nights at home for me. Oh well...I've always been a night owl.

Well, I suppose I should get back to packing...or maybe I'll cook some ravioli. That sounds good right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mhmm.. Ravioli does sound good. (licking lips) =D