Monday, April 16, 2007

So I get into my Sunday school class today, and I'm immediately greeted by a tattling 8-year-old.
"So-and-so hit this boy on the head with a Bible."
My response, "Bibles are not meant to be weapons. They're meant for reading."
Then another little boy in the class said, "My mom told me this week that the Bible is our weapon." response, "Well, I don't think she meant hitting someone else with it."
(If any of you have seen the movie Saved, you will find this exchange even more humorous)

These little boys sure test my patience. I did score some points by letting them pretend to be fishermen and throw gummy worms on paper fish that I cut out. I wish I could say that was totally my idea, but my workbook suggested it. I threw in some sour gummy worms to jazz it up a little. I don't like gummy worms, so the kids pleaded with me to let them have the leftovers. Mean Miss Lynette said they'd already had enough. I know...I'm horrible.

I spent the afternoon playing tennis and bowling on the Wii. I took a stab at the boxing as well. What craziness! My baseball skills were horrible, so I took a swing at golf. Apparently I have too much power, because I often ended up in the sand traps. Guess that means I just have to practice more. :-)

1 comment:

Dirk said...

thats hilarious! Hahahahahaa kids! hahaha just another good reason to not have any.
