My new favorite magazine is Blueprint. I bought my first one in the Atlanta airport on the way back from Indiana. As a print designer, I don't always agree with the font combinations used, but overall the design is clean and fun. It's a step up from Real Simple, which is nice but a tad boring. Blueprint has little handbook inside each month. This month it's on buying a home, which is great for me. This afternoon I drove around the neighborhood I'd like to live in. Unfortunately, only a few houses are for sale, and they're all out of my price range. I don't think my finances will be in order when my lease is up in March, but I figure it doesn't hurt me to start looking. Those who know me well know that I analyze everything when making a major decision. It took me a year to decide on my first computer, and I had to take a friend with me to make me buy a new couch. My current boss can tell you I tested his patience when deciding to move here. I don't like making rush decisions. Buying a house freaks me out a bit. I don't think I'd have a problem getting approved for the money I'd want. In fact, they'd probably give me more than I need. The thought of taking on 30 years of payments is SCARY!! Unless God puts the man of my dreams in my life soon, it will be something I do on my own. Sometimes I wish He'd stop thinking I'm so strong and can handle life by myself. Then again...I do like having control of the remote. :-)
you know, they do offer home loans for only 15 years ... makes the commitment half as scary ;-) haven't seen that mag ... but, then again, i'm not much into extracurricular reading these days ...
Don't think of it as 30 years of house payments, but that you'll be bringing in your groceries in a few minutes, have your own garage, and do your laundry when you want, in your own place!
Could you bring that magazine to work? I'd love to to look at it.
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