On Monday, we made a Target run and had Chick-fil-a. The only one here is on the WSU campus, so I was happy they built one four blocks from my sister's house. I'll be getting nuggets every time I visit. After chicken, we headed to a free children's farm in Olathe. Abby had been there before, but she still loved running around and feeding the goats. The girl LOVES animals. She also loves going down slides. I tried to not act like an overprotective mother since this is first time I've taken her by myself for an adventure. She enjoyed the water area, where I had to remind her to stop splashing strangers. The only way I could get her out was by suggesting we get a treat. One bag of fruit snacks later we were headed home. After her nap in the car we played with the magic pills we got at Target. Remember those things you put in water and they turn into foam animals.....she was fascinated by them. She did all 15 of them before my sister got home from work.