Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us daily. - Judith Kelman
Monday, December 24, 2007
I didn't leave the snow in Indiana. It snowed around seven inches here the other day. It drifted, which made the roads ugly. It took me 30 minutes to get my car unstuck on Saturday. Thankfully, a guy who lives in my complex pushed me out. Today I bought a small shovel at Target to keep in my trunk. I don't think I've been stuck that bad for at least a few years. My poor little short Civic is struggling with the tall snow. I think they clean the roads off better in South Bend.

Thursday, December 20, 2007
Winter in Indiana

See what I left behind! I flew up to Indiana this past weekend to surprise one of my friends who has been sick. She was totally shocked to see me, which made me happy. It started snowing Saturday, and by Sunday morning we had about 10 inches. This isn't anything unusual for northern Indiana. That darn Lake Michigan air pushes snow our way. (Okay, I just realized I'm saying our, and I don't even live there anymore!) It was nice to see some of my friends and get my South Bend Chocolate fix. I baked cookies on Saturday, which is my standard Christmas gift. My friends also enjoyed the Nifty Nuthouse treats I brought them. I would go back to get some more, but Wichitans are swarming that place this week.
Now it's back the grind. Work was crazy last night. I finally took a breather around 11:45 p.m. Thankfully, people had brought in food for the holidays, so there were plenty of treats to keep my sugar buzz up. I spent my down time addressing Christmas cards in hopes that I mail most of them today. I have a couple last-minute gifts to buy, and then I should be done. It seems like Christmas came so fast!
If I don't post again until after Christmas, I hope you all have a wonderful holiday.
On a final note...Christmas at the Tarwacki's...makes me feel all warm and fuzzy :-)

Saturday, December 8, 2007
My 30th birthday

Here are some pics from my trip to KC. Jesse, Erin and I went to a Japanese grill, where they cook the food in front of you. It was a fun experience. I caught a shrimp in my mouth when the cook flipped it to me. He also came at me with a squirt bottle, but it was only a trick one. For a minute I thought he was going to ruin my sweater! After dinner, we walked through the plaza to see the lights. I was experimenting with different settings on my camera, so my pics look a little crazy. I'll just call them artsy. :-)

Sunday, December 2, 2007
The big 3-0
I turn 30 on Monday. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I'm leaving the 20s behind (I'd definitely like to leave a couple of those years behind.) A friend told me once that 30 is a pinnacle year for a woman...she finally comes into her own and is comfortable with who she is. I guess I'll see about that.
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